President Trump's go-to source on political and social commentary!
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It is unmistakable: the hour is dark in our country’s history. We have one last chance to breathe life into what remains of the American republic in this year’s election cycle. Otherwise, as Donald Trump likes to say, we no longer will have a country.
While the deep state will undoubtedly be working on overdrive, a fire has been rekindled in the American spirit. More and more Americans are fed up with wokeism and the Left’s assault on free speech.
The battle lines between good and evil have already been drawn: the Right stands for God and Christianity, the Left tramples on public displays of religious devotion, to say nothing of the practices and doctrines that Christians are obligated to follow, both in their private lives and within in the public square.
Now we have officially arrived in 2024. There is a tremendous amount of work to be done, but the goal is always the same: get Donald Trump back into the Oval Office. We will have to be vigilant every hour of every day, for victory will not be easy, but it is certainly within grasp.
My goals for this Substack are to unleash its power as a weapon in this fight against the evil forces that would otherwise bring down this country. If my overriding goal for this Substack in 2024 can be summarized in two words, they are: consistency and growth.
In 2023, this Substack was a source of political, social, and even legal commentary – documenting the policies and events that took place in President Trump’s movement, from what I hope was a fair and level headed perspective. Along the way, as I made inroads with this project, I got to observe President Trump’s world more intimately, and even had multiple opportunities to meet him, and spend a good deal of time with him.
Which brings me to my goal for 2024: I am hoping to use this Substack as a source of not only political commentary, but political activism. I want to send a strong signal, as part of my activism, to the Republican establishment, which still clings onto their (albeit waning) power, particularly at the state level. If it were not for the do-nothing Republican holdouts, many of whom, if it were up to them, would prefer to turn back the clocks to the Reagan/George Bush-era, and continue those policies that led us into endless wars and suicidal immigration policies, that has caused our country to go economically and culturally bankrupt.
I’m hoping you will join me in this mission to Make America Great Again, and Subscribe today!