The USA is a nation of immigrants whose talents flourished under the freedom of Constitutional Liberty & Rights. The USA should gladly welcome with open arms immigrants who are highly educated, highly skilled, and highly motivated to pursue their own paths to excellence and prosperity in this land of opportunity. Natural born Americans have been for far too long suppressed and dumbed-down by the Anglo-American Globalist Establishment in their quest to create a docile, obedient, ignorant, and subordinate subclass of future serfs. With the advent of the MAGA nationalist movement, hopefully natural born Americans will once again be given the opportunity to live in clean, safe, orderly communities where they can be properly educated so they too can rise to excellence and prosperity.

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It depends on the lens one is looking through. One can see an “Anglo-American society and understand that we are, and have always been The West with our focus on The Liberal Arts, creative arts, economics, history, and mathematics, and have prospered in learning. Sixty years ago, there was a shift in technology world wide, but not everyone had the acumen to give their lives to engineering, systems programming, etc. Scientists and mathematicians continued in to hone their skills. Now these subjects should be taught starting in 6th grade for those with the desire to pursue a field that has become a major field in the East, and will nationally become necessary to excel in. If one’s natural bent is literature or screenwriting, don’t waste your life aiming for designing chips just to be employed. We are the West and must keep it alive.

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The first steps must be the abolition of the Federal Department of Education, the neutering of the National Teacher’s Union, securing the borders, deporting all those who have illegally entered the country, revising legal immigration laws, and restoring law & order throughout the nation.

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That is exactly what we are fighting for

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You may be setting uo a straw man here. My reading of Vivek--and I know him--is that he adamantly opposes DEI and affirmative action by places like MIT. This seems to be an overwrought debate. You can do BOTH--maintain the H1 visas while attacking anti-American discrimination in our universities. Indeed, it seems as if Trump is banning that. It will take work beyond that of course. But Vivek is right that our culture has indeed encouraged mediocrity. That is the essence of critical theory. So we must attack this problem two ways at once. Look for intelligent compromise here.

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My thoughts exactly

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Agree 100% with your take on this debate. As a legal immigrant who has taken a long time to really come to terms with American values and the need of a thorough education on civics and the foundational documents that buttress our social pact as citizens, I also believe that there needs to be a pause in legal immigration until we sort out the chaotic and dismembered way that the American experience has resulted.

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I have thought that for years- that there needs to be regular moratoria in any kind of immigration so that we can have full assimilation for all who want to stay and live as American citizens. The process takes about ten years. I am an American since birth, but interacting with illegal a legal immigrants professionally. That ten year process makes a world of difference in immigrants’ well being in America.

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exactly! I would agree with that amount of time for assimilation.

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Paul I love your work but I wish you had worked into this a few statistics.

We current have 1 million HB1 & 2 visa holders working right now in the US. In 2023 over 800,000 visas were appoved (more than 10 times the so called limit)!

This does not even account for the dozen other catagories the US uses to bring in foreigners.

We have the "O" visa that allows people of superior talent (arts, sciences, medical, sports etc) to come to the US due to their ability to enhance our country. The person wishing to enter can make their own "case" why they would be an extraordinary benefit to the US

Half of the "companies" that apply for the HB1 visas are not native American companies, they are from India!

I could go on with more but we really need to get a handle on this abuse of our "worker visas" before we blame the lazy uneducated Americans (especially white men & women) that have been left out our workforce .

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We can easily complete this task by having programming taught in high school, along with other tech skills that will lead to employment. We don’t have to import others’ education! What we can’t continue doing is importing people of other nationalities to work in any legal profession position, unless they have lived in the system of American Jurisprudence for a decade or more. Too much at stake to hire someone who has only learned via textbooks. It’s part of our culture that makes the study easier to master.

There are law firms that specialize in obtaining H1B visas for foreigners for their American business clients. This is a business that earns it wealth through the practice of replacing Americans in tech, and apparently law.

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I just wonder if this isn't an "op" by Our President, Elon, Vivek, and others to bring a spotlight on an aspect of immigration beyond the most glaring one of wide open borders. If what is being asserted in the article is true, that the problem lies with insufficient visa standards and DEI and affirmative action within our higher education and business hiring practices, that has already been promised to be addressed by the new administration. As in the overall "Great Awakening" that we are currently experiencing, this will serve to bring attention and, most importantly, support to a glaring problem for our country.

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America’s culture will be vastly improved once the Federal Department of Education is abolished and the National Teacher’s Union is neutered.

The Intentional Dumbing Down of America

By G. Edward Griffin


Full Transcript of Interview by G. Edward Griffin of Norman Dodd:


Anglo-American Rewriting of US History


Sir Andrew Carnegie & Cecil J. Rhodes

Planners of Internationalism


The Anglo-American Pilgrims Society’s Empire Press Union created MI5, MI6 and GC&CS, now GCHQ in 1909

All the leading British and American newspapers were weaponized in 1909 by the British Government-led Pilgrims Society: Daily Telegraph, Daily Mail, Times, Daily Mirror, Daily Express, Sunday Times, Observer, Financial Times, Washington Post, New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Boston Globe, etc.

As radio and television emerged in the 1920s, the list of Pilgrim-weaponized intelligence propaganda media expanded to BBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC, CBC, CNN, CNBC, Comcast and now FOX

The C.I.A., FBI, NSA and State Department are the step-children under Pilgrims Society (British) control today.





The Anglo-American Pilgrims Society (1902)


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One of the drawbacks of the expansion of digital media is that it makes every idiot feel like they have to shoot their mouth off, at length, concerning every issue or disagreement that comes down the pike. There is a gross surplus of "hot takes" right now, and everybody, including me, should just shut up and have some lunch, take a nap, and relax for the rest of the day.

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It’s amusing to see how many in the MAGA camp are against Indian tech workers. This is just plain ignorant for several reasons. First, Indians are preferred because they speak English and come from a common law country (former British colony like us). Second, if we don’t bring them here, tech companies will just outsource the work to India via remote work (see Tata, Infosys, etc) for even bigger savings, sending precious dollars outside the United States, which would just be shooting ourselves in the foot.

It will be interesting to see how many of these self-anointed “experts” backtrack now that Trump has openly admitted to approving of and using the H1B visa. The problem is not the system, rather it is, the abuse of the system and the shortsightedness of other related areas such as the way we subsidize higher education. The law as written provides protections to American citizens, but as with so many of our laws, there are likely huge loopholes that are being exploited.

I agree with Vivek, that the American culture has sown mediocrity that we are now reaping. One has only to look as far as our inner cities and rural towns to see the American dream is dead, or was never hatched to begin with. How many times have I seen a Caribbean or African immigrant come here and rise to the top of their university class while those born here whine and complain about being victimized by white males? Or, how many times have I heard young people complain about how hard it is to make ends meet from working their one job from which they squander all of their earnings, while a foreigner often works the equivalent of 2 to 3 full time jobs and saves their money to buy their own business? As Thomas Sowell has conclusively shown, our culture is the problem.

Further, as if we don’t have enough pubic and private universities, who cares if 30% of Harvard (a private, “Christian” university) classes are foreigners? The cultural impact they have upon returning to their own countries is immeasurable since they’ve experienced a different culture and made friendships, not unlike when Americans attend foreign schools. If anything, supposing we don’t shut down the Department of Education (which we should), the federal government could easily solve our lack of STEM students by only providing student loans to those who enter those fields. If a citizen wants to major in under water basket weaving, so be it, but it will be on their own dime, and should not be subsidized in any way by tax payers.

Too many of the whiners on the MAGA side are pushing the rest of us to be outraged by appealing to emotionalism, the very same disease that afflicts the left. Lest we fall for this insanity, we need to quit chasing shiny objects that won’t change anything in the long run. Rather, we need to consider the problem from fruit to root, and make the necessary changes at the root. This is no different than what needs to be done with illegal immigration. Regarding the H1B visa program specifically:

1) Enforce the laws already on the books and close loopholes that are being exploited

2) If not already being done, mandate American cultural training for all recipients of H1B visas and their families like we do for legitimate refugees

3) Enact a random audit of all companies that use H1B workers, including systematic audits of high utilizers

4) Eliminate birthright citizenship

5) Encourage/subsidize training/degrees that we have a documented need for, which at the moment appears to be STEM fields

6) Implement progressive incentives for companies that maintain varying thresholds of American and/or permanent resident workers

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Well said, Paul. We would not be the West without the wide spectrum of abilities, knowledge and creativity. Technology is a sliver of what makes us who we are.

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There's two problems as I see it:

One, Americans are going to have to ditch the sacred-victim, entitled parasite culture that is now manifest in modern liberalism. It's quite possible that the mechanism which allowed it in the first place is the concept of human rigths, i.e., privilege without obligation. You merely have to be born in order to get special treatment. In most parts of the world, including India, this is a very alien concept and groups with powerful identities can exploit it when living in the west.

Two, the majority of people on the planet are paid about 1/10th that of western and American labor costs. Since labor is a variable cost this means it rises with increased sales and production and can be a decisive factor for competitive pricing. Therefore, companies with cheaper labor will gain advantage, all things being equal. So, how can high-priced western labor compete with lower-priced foreign labor? I would be glad to hear an explanation.

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>Assimilation takes time

Apparently more than 400 years for some.

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