No one from the Congress because most, if not all, have been compromised.

Just because Dr. Carson seems mild-mannered, means nothing when faced with corrupt deep state globalist cabal challenges. Mild-mannered leaders can indeed move mountains and threatened the enemy within because they have no idea when or how that leader can or will strike.

Tucker Carlson is an interesting choice, although I am not certain that he would be amenable to staying in his lane and taking his cue from President Trump.

I am quite satisfied to let Trump be Trump and make his Vice Presidential pick in his time and of his choosing.

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Tell President Trump that Senators Hawley and Cruz should be on his short list. Both men possess the courage, clarity, and charity, necessary to restore our Republic and preserve his legacy. I suspect, many of the names being bandied about are trojan horses.

God Bless,

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Approximately 500 void ab initio article 3 Obama Biden Harris nominated and confirmed judges are Vulnerable to Trump Stefanik revetting and possible re-confirmation.

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Recently, Tucker was asked publicly if he would willingly accept the VP position if offered. He firmly answered “no”, if there’s one thing in life he’s learned it is to “stay in his own lane”....

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Excuse me, am I missing something? The article you wrote about Haley not being eligible for Presidency applies to Vivek as well, since, it is well documented by Vivek himself that his father was NOT a US citizen when he was born. So, why would President Trump pick him for VP, even if the odds of Vivek ever needing to take on the role of President for even a few hours, while Trump has a pimple removed for example, would incite an unconstitutional situation akin to the one if the Dems try to install Kamala should Bidet take a trip and fall, since, as DJT has already told us, he’s shot in the head?

Long ago, in 2016, I hoped Trump would chose someone outside of the DC cesspool and that would still be best, however, understand that it is not my choice that matters.

Yeah, I know…. #wearewatchingamovie 😉

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Sexy Red

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I only have one issue with Tucker: his misunderstanding of the Constitutional eligibility requirements for President/VP and his continual use of the word "democracy" in describing the US government. No, Tucker, the US is NOT a democracy!!! We are a Constitutional Republic, which is a FORM of democratic governance. WORDS MATTER!!! I love, love, love Dr. Carson but you are 100% correct - FAR too mild-mannered for the VP position. RFK Jr. is definitely out of the picture across the board, perhaps in some capacity, tho, at NIH/FDA, etc. That is where his skills would be best put to use, IMO. But keep him FAR away from ANY climate or gun rights issues!!!

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Feb 1, 2024
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My impression is that Tucker uses "our democracy" in jest, to parody the Left's use of that phrase, and doesn't mean it seriously. I think he fully understands that America was designed to be a constitutional republic, and not a "democracy," strictly speaking.

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No, I'm sorry but I have to disagree. He rarely says anything else, only occasionally talking about "our Republic." I'm afraid he has been taken in by the 14th Amendment issue and the shenanigans pulled by our corrupt legal system. He has talked about the Constitution more frequently lately but I haven't heard any real concern about the eligibility issue. The most I've heard him say is that some have raised concerns about Obama, Vivek and others. I've tried for years via direct e-mail to his site and on FB (until I was permanently banned) to get this thru to him but he continues to say "our Democracy." And it makes me yell every time I hear him say it! Good thing my cat ignores me! He's used to it by now!

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Thank you! Oh, he can be firm when he needs to be, no doubt of that, but the brawling aspect is totally out of his character. But then, the VP doesn't do a lot of brawling, more like convincing and negotiating, I think.

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