So this really isn’t their ruling on the case. It’s a ruling on the injunction that was placed on the USG to stop talking to the social media companies. That injunction had a stay placed on it almost immediately and the USG continued to engage the social media companies.

All this did was remove the injunction, which was already moot due to the stay, nothing has changed.

Now the heavy lifting of proving the case must occur and slam the USG for unconstitutionally silencing people.

Would having SCOTUS Re-invoke the stay been better? Sure… but having a kid argue before the court and miss everything about standing… that was our sides screw up.

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I hate it when supposedly “brilliant” judges find a way to let government-tools abuse We the People…fueled by citizen-victims' taxes.

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Thanks for the insight. I feel these appointed judges are trying to lead when they should otherwise defer to the more seasoned justices.

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