Ed Cox and Joseph Cairo are not Republicans, nor are they RINOs - they are Democrat Operatives that have infiltrated the GOP.

That's what Democrats do. They infiltrated Hollywood, the media, news rooms, academia (from Universities down to Kindergarten), Government bureaucracies (DOJ, FBI, the CIA and entire intelligence community, as well as the DoD), social media, Wall Street, and the Board of Directors of fortune 500 companies.

Remember John Podesta's leaked emails, when he talked about infiltrating the Catholic Church? That's what they do. Why would anyone think they haven't been doing this to the GOP for years?

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As a lifelong resident - now prisoner - of NY, it’s never been clearer that New York State will never shift from the path of destruction it has been on for decades. Nowhere is The Stupid Party more aptly on display than in this state. Although I’ve never voted for anyone other than the Republican candidate - assuming there was even one on the ballot, which is a 50/50 proposition at best - I have never enrolled as a Republican Party member, because I never want to be identified as a feckless idiot. You can’t convince me that there really is a state Republican Party. To say they’re the antithesis of MAGA is an understatement. Embrace Trump or his supporters? HA! Call me when He’ll freezes over, because that will come first.

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New York is a beautiful state too bad the people are to stupid to vote the slime ball politicians, judges,and lawyers out. Take back there state.

I got an idea let’s put a nickel on every shopping bag, that will fix things!😂😂😂

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Moral relativism.

NY Republicans are just moderate Democrats.

They moderate their convictions to be "liked".

The smart ones leave the state.

Are you surprised by the latest development?

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You suggest that I pay you to read that Democrats are socialists. I would subscribe if you read Karl Marx, Vladimir I Lenin, Mao Zedong, Fidel Castro and Che Guevara and convincingly explained how a ruling political party in a capitalist country (not just capitalist -- imperialist) can possibly be categorized as "far left."

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I don't understand your question.

I have read all of the above.

But, Animal Farm has been most instructive.

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Yet another example of the fact that the GOPe/Establishment/RINO "Party" is nothing more than the 2nd wing, along with the Marxist Democrats, of the Globalist Uniparty. They are no more actual Republicans than any of the Marxist Dems are, other than in name (only)! From this perspective they are not incompetent. They are doing exactly what their role is in the Uniparty, to present the illusion of a second major party in the American political system. Fortunately for our country, one of Our President's major accomplishments has already been to force these imposters and traitors out from under their slimy rocks for all to see. Now We The People have to respond accordingly in the primaries and especially next November.

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