Thank you for this piece, giving so much insight into these men, why they are great, and why they are being persecuted despite their lawful actions to protect the President, and this nation. I can only give once per month. I have their donation sites.

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Thank you,Sir, for this important information. I live on Social Security and cannot make a financial contribution. However, in my 70 years, I have experienced and learned the power of prayer. I will be praying for these good gentlemen and their families.

In the years and months ahead of the 2016 election,I ,like millions of other Christian Americans, prayed often for God to send to us a President who could clean up America and right this listing ship. The answer came in Donald Trump. Even if he did not get the chance to fulfill all his goals (due to lawfare), he identified many of the problems and guilty parties. During the months preceding Donald Trump’s announcement of running for office, God revealed to me that there was in the Obama White House an extremely dark, evil agenda taking place. God did not reveal exactly what that was, only that the darkness emanated from the White House. Prayer for a new kind of President became even more important. Shortly after this, Donald Trump announced for President. I am very grateful to God that He has been, over the past 5 years or so, “peeling the onion” exposing the corruption in Washington DC. It has been ugly and painful, but the darkness goes deep.

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Trump and the gop are going after your commie social security.

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Trump is the antichrist.

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Oh, Ha Ha Ha! not.

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Well written and well researched.

A heroic piece.

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Well said!

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Keep begging for money you crooks!

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