Are Christmas or Holiday cards allowed? I'm ashamed to say I have avoided looking at what is happening to these people because I know I will cry. I don't like to cry and I know it will make me feel furious and small and helpless. After watching some of the released footage, I'm tired of hiding my eyes. I'm going to start writing and was just wondering if you knew about cards?

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Thank you for an in depth, heartbreaking expose. I know I'm not the only one whose heart has broken for the gross injustices we have witnessed under the biden regime. Stolen elections have catastrophic consequences.

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“ two hundred and one-quarter centuries…”

Ummm…. No.

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I thank you for your daily posts. This one in particular is so well written, it needs to be read by all seniors in high schools across this once great country before they have to take their Constitution test for graduation. Do they still have to do so? I'm showing my age, if not. It is so shocking to my brain that these types of knowingly false prosecutions can be happening here, in America, the Land of the Free (no more, sadly) IT will take righteous people to take a stand against this unjust tyranny to stop the insidious spread of evil that is permeating the DOJ. It really needs to be defunded, broken up and deal strictly with Federally cases - ones the States don't already have prevue over. Please keep writing.

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exceptional article.... to bad this format doesn't give a decent X ample of picture and post like it does for Ellen and the hearing

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