I live to read the words of the great Paul Ingrassia. Surely there must be a place in President Trump’s Super Cabinet for a learned man such as Mr. Ingrassia. Head speech writer, perhaps?

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Terrific work, Paul! Given your background, it would be interesting to read a piece on the alternatives to Senate confirmation of the cabinet, a requirement that is NOT Constitutional after all. The whole team has to be able to hit the ground running as close to January 20 as possible. How long do we give the Uniparty on confirmations before we pull the trigger to get them in?

And these demon possessed cretins are not just "culturally" Marxist. Not when they are actively destroying our Constitution with censorship, gun restrictions, non-warrant searches, corrupt election systems, and the list goes on.

A good opening question should there be an interview process as we eliminate positions would be, "So what have you done to support the Constitution today?" If nothing can be stated, the interview is over and the pink slip is handed out.

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Terrific read.

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