Nikki as VP is a Birdbrained idea!

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Right after the Tucker interview with Alex Jones is when I became aware of the buzz about Tucker for VP. It was an intriguing idea that has grown in popularity for sure.

Mr. Ingrassia, you have done a great job lending legitimacy and common sense to the idea of a Trump - Tucker team to save the country. Trump is the rare billionaire who feels like one of us, the American people, and Tucker has long identified as MAGA even before we had the acronym.

I believe the country needs to move away from the career politician beholden to the lobbying machine. Our Founding Fathers believed it was a duty and honor to serve the country, not a get rich career path full of rhetoric and broken promises!!

Trump definitely has raised the Presidential bar to one of duty and honor and I do think Tucker would live up to the same ideological standard.

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Can’t cuck the Tuck. Zyn is not a sin!

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I like it and I want it. I just don't think Tucker will do it. He's not really a background guy. However, if something were to happen to Trump while in office, I'd feel safe with him in office. This matters.

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The elephant in the room is Bobby Kennedy. Bobby knows, far more than Tucker, where the bodies are buried. Who to call to get information. Running things. Tucker might well be more important "on the outside". And perhaps in four years it could be Kennedy-Carlson '28. It's going to take a long time to rebuild. That timeline (if it happened) would give us 20 years. A good start, given that what we are enduring goes back centuries.

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I like Elise Stefanik. She has supported Trump from the beginning. She was great during the impeachments and took down the Penn president. I like Tucker, but I think Trump and Tucker's domineering personalities would end up clashing. Stefanik has a good team that won seats in New York. I think she has the smarts to lessen the steal and get out the vote.

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It will probably be Putin’s daughter

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How very interesting that this substack is on the exact topic as Sundance posted on The Last Refuge, The Conservative Treehouse, however, Sundance proposes and argues for Dr. Ben Carson.

Here's the link for comparison.


You do make a good argument for Tucker Carlson.

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he’d never ever pick an anti-Israel person.

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