Nimrata's case is Soetero redux.

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While the answer is the same the circumstances are different. President Obama's mother was a citizen at the time she gave birth. Neither of Haley's parents were citizens when she was born. However, both are natural born citizens by birth on US soil.

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Speaking of dual citizenship as a disqualifying factor .... Trump's mother was a citizen of Scotland and the US when he was born which could make him a British citizen by descent (the UK also had double descent laws at the time so he could also be a UK citizen through his grandparents). Also, Slovenia allows citizenship to pass by marriage and Melania was a Slovenian citizen when they were married. Sounds like triple citizenship to me.

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Has anyone considered that Trump was a British citizen by birth? His mother was naturalized but still had Scottish citizenship[ when he was born. May we expect a new article from Paul on why dual citizen Trump is ineligible?

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That's why Democrats are supporting her.

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The Democrats are not supporting Haley.

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Yes they are!

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He will probably end up being an ambulance chaser if he ever passes the bar exam.

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But yet, he was elected president. Like I said before, if Paul Ingrassia thinks he is right, he should file a suit in court, otherwise he should admit he doesn't know what he is talking about. I know that is impossible because he died September 16, 2019. This forum is a hoax. Look it up on the internet. How can a dead man put up posts?

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If he died in 2019 then why was he on Steve Bannon’s show today talking about the Fani Willis ethics problems?

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Dear Paul,

If you are so sure you are tight, then file a lawsuit. If you don't file a lawsuit then you know you will loose. If what you are saying is true then Obama was not eligible to be president. Only one of his parents was a U S citizen. They will probably shoot down your argument with 8 U.S. Code § 1401 - Nationals and citizens of United States at birth.

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Trump will bluster and do nothing. Paul isn't even a licensed attorney as far as anyone can tell. So he could file pro per and it would dismissed for the same reasons all the other Birther nonsense lawsuits have been dismissed.

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Obama wasn’t eligible as a born dual citizen. The founders would have never permitted a British subject to be President.

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No court has ever ruled holding dual citizenship has anything to do with presidential eligibility.

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Congress had and they denied citizenship to Native Americans due to their being subject to tribal jurisdiction, the court have viewed citizenship as anything Congress says it is.

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I think you are right on this after reading from you and others that have disagreed. More importantly, I think the Supreme Court would side with your interpretation. Someone needs to get this in front.

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No they wouldn't.

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That’s a really good link. What people don’t realize that dual citizens are subject to the jurisdiction of the foreign country or countries to which they hold citizenship, that is mandated by the UD government, so if Harris and Haley ever held foreign citizenship they wouldn’t even meet the 14th amendment’s citizenship requirement which states subject to the jurisdiction thereof which means complete jurisdiction of the United States.

This is what people don’t understand, if one’s parents are US citizens then they’re foreign nationals and likely acquire their parents citizenship automatically.

The founders would have never allowed person who owed allegiance to and were subject to a foreign power to be President.

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So dual or even triple citizen Trump is not eligible (US, UK, Slovenia)?

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Both of Trump’s parents were US citizens when he was born.

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I never said they weren't but the Birthers keep saying that dual citizenship implies divided loyalty. Just showing the fallacy in that reasoning.

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Dual Citizenship doesn't imply divided loyalty it explicitly is. The US Govt states that dual citizens are required repeat required to owe allegiance to all countries to which they hold citizenship and they're also subject to their jurisdiction.

So dual citizenship is in fact divided loyalty.

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Nonsense. Many dual citizens have no idea that they hold dual citizenship. Many may know but have never traveled even once to the country of their second citizenship. Are you trying to say that Nikki Haley is mysteriously and darkly loyal to India? Does Donald Trump have divided loyalties because his mother might have passed along UK citizenship to him?

If someone is born a US citizen and has met the other eligibility requirements of age and residency then they can run and serve as president. I have already shown over 300 sources that say that and you have shown nothing with any authority to contradict.

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Wonder if Mr. Ingrassia could explain what kind of citizen Wong Kim Ark was when the SC ruled he was a citizen? Hint: the SC only recognizes two forms of US citizenship, natural born and naturalized. Once you answer that question honestly you will understand why real constitutional scholars think you are completely wrong.

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OK different Paul. My bad. Now if Paul Ingrassia thinks he knows so much about immigration law he should take his legal expertise and go to court.. It doesn't cost much to file a case. Either put up or shut up.. How about it Paul? Let me hear from you. Put your money where your mouth is. If you are such a legal expert, you should be able to win your case.

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Ingrassia lacks litigant standing.

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No, this Paul is the one who calls himself a "constitutional scholar" who graduated law school just over a year ago and apparently hasn't even passed the bar yet. Nothing will come of this. Trump isn't going to file anything and Ingrassia cannot represent him anyway.

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Am am reminded of the definition of idiocy. The Birther idiocy about Minor v Happersett and de Vattel has been around since 2008. Dozens of court cases have been filed and not a single judge bought this stupid argument.

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Paul leaves out 2 very important items, one is Resolution 511 where Congress the entity responsible for establishing what citizenship is declared in 2008 that John McCain was a Natural Born Citizen because his parents were Americans citizens. Two Constitutional experts wrote legal opinions supporting Resolution 511 which were entered into the Congressional Record.

Paul also misses the really important question does Haley hold or has she ever held Indian or Canadian citizenship? If either is true she wouldn’t be a Natural Born Citizen for she would be required to obey their laws and she would be subject to their jurisdiction, these are requirements as mandated by The US State Department they’re not optional! So she wouldn’t even qualify for citizenship under the 14th amendment. It’s unquestionable the founders would not have allowed a dual citizen to be President, that’s precisely the situation they wanted to avoid. They didn’t want the Presidency in the hands of individuals who had foreign allegiances and dual citizens possess those very divided allegiances.

The RNC should compel Haley to state whether at any point in her life she has held foreign citizenship, if she refuses the RNC should remove her from the nomination process, if she affirms she has then she’s not a Natural Born Citizen and the RNC should remove her from the process.

The Secretary’s of States across the country should require candidates to state in writing that they are in fact Natural Born Citizens if they don’t they shouldn’t be allowed on the ballot.

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The RNC's main self-assigned task at this point is to deny Trump the nomination by any means possible. Please do not look to Ronna Romney for constitutional adherence, nor for logic.

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The chair of the RNC just asked Haley to drop out. May I ask where you get your information? You obviously live in an alternate universe.

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What is the RNC doing to stop Trump?

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If her parents weren't legal permanent residents she shouldn't be a citizen at all.

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Her father was here legally and working as a professor at a university in South Carolina. Of course that would not matter since any child born on US soil is a natural born citizen. (The only exceptions are the ones outlined in the citizenship laws.

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It doesn’t matter if they’re legal permanent residents they weren’t US citizens when she was born so she’s not a Natural Born Citizen.

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"Mr. Chief Justice FULLER, with whom concurred Mr. Justice HARLAN, dissenting."

(Unless you happen to know that Justice Harlan actually wrote the dissent in Wong Kim Ark, it appears to be credited to Chief Justice Melville Fuller, with John Marshall Harlan concurring.)

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Say no to nationwide voter ID.

When you give up liberties for safety you have neither.

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