There are a great deal of current and former military officer who agree with you. Our overall leadership is lacking and if we continue this way, we will lose this country. As a 1983 graduate of the Air Force Academy it sickens me to see how much our military has changed for the worse.

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It will also require an overhaul to Congress - which voted 83-11 to appoint an anti-white racist as the head of the entire military. They did this after he condoned the St. Floyd riots and encouraged them on his YouTube channel where he ranted like a petulant and embittered school boy. They did this after he and his benefactor Goldfein authored a racial quota system in the Air Force reducing the white male allotment to 22%.


The sex confusion and degeneracy are terrible things, but I think they pale in comparison to the racial/tribal conflict that the targets of the offensive seem to be in denial about.

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There are so many entrenched interests involved in the MIC that reform will made nearly impossible. Nothing short of totally dismantling major portions of the military and its associated entities will be enough. Let’s hope Trump is serious this time around and able to get it done.

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