Brilliant and astute analysis. President Trump won three consecutive elections. I hope that 2020 is thoroughly investigated. Mr. Ingrassia would be the perfect individual to do so!

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This is wrong.

For one thing, the numbers listed are not accurate, and there are still votes to be counted. Taking that into account, however, it does appear that there are significantly fewer votes cast for Harris than Biden. However:

a) Voters change their minds

b) The electorate in 2024 is not the same electorate as 2020

And crucially:

c) This argument rests on the premise that a fix, having occurred without consequence in 2020, was somehow not repeated in 2024. How does that make any sense whatsoever? One might say: The cheaters were scared off! (where's the proof?) The victory was made "too big to rig" (does not explain the decline in the vote).

Simply put, there's no evidence. I'll be happy to change my mind if we see arrests and prosecutions down the road. But for now consider the election denial coming from left-wing activists, using some of these same faulty figures. Take a look at their arguments and gauge your own response; that's how this nonsense looks to the people who have a true bead on reality. Trump won - you can now come back to realityland.

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The man who allegedly received more votes than any presidential candidate in history with "81 million votes" was less than four years later ousted by his own party in an unprecedented coup -- and replaced by an even more unpopular vice president -- because he was so unlikeable and unpopular they had no other choice. But you're still telling me 2020 was not fraudulent. Talk about a need to come back to reality.

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I read what was written; however there's no real evidence to back it up.

Of course, Donald Trump is also extremely unpopular.


So we might ask why so many people voted for him, and cry "fraud". However that would also be entirely lacking in evidence.

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Utter nonsense. An ABC *poll*? No, just no, nor does this irrelevancy have any bearing on the points regarding the fraud. 'No evidence'...yeah, there is, you're just disregarding it and evading it in a meandering, transparent way. 'Not the same electorate'...huh?...yeah, it is functionally the same, since *the electorate* would not substantially change in a mere four years. The mail-in ballot scheme conceived in 2020, was THE linchpin, and could not be repeated, with a paring down of the illicit machinations and rulings and usurpation of state legislatures. PA, most infamously, with *moderate Democrat* Josh Shapiro, in his role as state AG *advising* the state supreme court to ignore the legislature and write their own laws, as well as *advising* the city Sheriff to refuse to enforce rulings made by Alito. I was HERE, in Philly, as an observer, and you are fundamentally illiterate in the events here, or merely deceitful. Either way...we are talking a preponderance of evidence reasonably pointing to fraud. Please, too, do not go into the *but no court* dissembling.

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There is less than complete honesty in the polls.

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You folks need to take a long hard look at everyone who’s shouting that Trump rigged it this time, then look in the mirror and try to explain how your arguments are any different.

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I’ve already done that.

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The massive mobilization by the Trump campaign and the Republican Party did indeed deploy tens of thousands of “eyes” on voting precincts around the country. This certainly was a factor in reducing the probability that malfeasance by the opposition would go unnoticed.

The next strategy the Republicans should look at is the voter ID issue. Harris won only in the states that had no voter ID. Every State!

Sounds like a good bill to pass through congress in the early part of the Trump Presidency - that all states must have a voter ID law.

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Yes and what was the result of this effort? Did we see arrests of ballot box-stuffers and investigations into suspect elections officials? And if the fraudsters were so powerful last time - able to rig elections in multiple states and cities - and if the groups that were observing voting precincts around the country this time were so open about their efforts (they were, I checked) - how did they not change tack and steal it "again" this time?

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Are you seriously suggesting that the on-the-ground teams of lawyers and observers have the law enforcement authority to arrest?? You are, obviously, willfully refusing to digest and comprehend the line of reasoning that Ingrassia laid out for you. The questions you are asking have been answered, in detail, IN THE POST. I read it, you read it.

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Wait. Doesn't the BBC hate our country? And hasn't the BBC been caught lying more often than MSDNC, only it's worse because the BBC is taxpayer supported? You are on the UK taxpayer payroll and telling us about our country. Frankly you and your false analogies have no credibility.

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The answer to your firs question is obvious. Trump won the election (no $h!t Sherlock).

The presence of the vote monitors, and the attorneys had its desired effect- they couldn’t pull off what they did last time. By the way there was NO such surveillance in 2020.

Paul is correct in his observation that those inner city areas in Atlanta, Philly, and Milwaukee, which a certain representative in the Democrat caucus controls, are particular problems.

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You haven’t provided any evidence. “Trump won” is not evidence, because it rests on your assumption of widespread fraud last time. Where did all the ballot mules go - and why did they not try other tricks?

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You are simply comical in your stubbornly puerile high school junior varsity debate-team pretense that *there's no evidence*. This is a very substantial post, with the rationale clearly delineated and expounded on. You know this. You are not to be taken seriously.

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I'm afraid ad hominems aren't evidence either.

If there was large-scale cheating by a powerful organization capable of swinging the vote, Trump would not have won.

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One thing we know from TIME reporting in 2/4/21 edition is that the Committee to Secure the Election consisted of Democrats and Republicans, government agencies (CISA), social media $$$ in exchange for following their rules, and using their personnel to staff voting districts. They began early in the season with the goal of keeping Trump out. COVID helped the effort, allowing Marc Elias to visit every state, but not the Legislature, so that voting was illegal without the legislative approval and statutes. Table Top exercises. And Mollie Ball wrote the article for TIME explaining How We Secured the Election! There’s no guesswork here. They confessed. And the term Secured the Election was used by people testifying from Facebook on Capitol Hill hearings.

Additionally, the rolls were cleaned in many states during the interim. New software to determine fake ballots via addresses was developed.

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2020 was stolen. FJB is a puppet-fraud.

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Funny you mention restoring faith in our justice system, maybe the failed former president should go to jail for all his crimes, the Russia probe, Impeachment #1 and #2 and inciting a insurrection not to mention the tax cheating.

Maga lunatics like you like to discount the public hatred for trump. Its not as binary as loving Biden but 2020 was the vote of people that didnt want that sick man back in power. That is more than 1/2 the country that feels that way so dont start spewing that 2024 was a landslide far from it

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