I’m a steady fan of your work, Paul. It is consistently, reliably sensible. Seems like I always agree with it. Thank you for your work.

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If you always agree with a specific writer’s work, you should broaden your very narrow worldview a bit. Only reading and watching things that you totally agree with will turn you into a mindless, complacent drone.

Also: Paul is a satirist; that should be blatantly obvious by the tone of his writing.

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Got your ouchies on, hun? kissy kissy on your boo-boo.

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Stan, Stan,Stan…so sad you feel the need to be condescending and unnecessarily judgemental. Since you don’t know me, or really anything about me, your pontificating is misplaced and pointless, Stan.

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Excellent summary, Paul....

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utterly effing delusional, more like.

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The charts tell the story.

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I've observed that the Truth seems to have that effect on today's Leftists. Of course they also support a laughable presidential candidate who has received zero primary votes in 2 presidential primaries, stood by as their candidate who DID receive 14 million votes in his latest primary was summarily sacked, and try to pass that off as "saving democracy"...

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you wouldn’t know the truth if it bit you on the backside, Koolaid guzzler!

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Thereby proving my point. So how many votes have you cast for your candidate, Heels Up Harris?

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It’s been 9 years and I’m still waiting to hear any policy agendas from Trump and his team. Everything is always “we’re working on it; we will announce it in 2 weeks” but that day never comes.

I also find it interesting that your method of attacking Harris immediately veers to the sexual. Are you sexually frustrated? Spend a lot of time with “the fellas” at the local watering hole? Been turned down by women a few too many times? Is that why you’ve decided to “hitch your wagon,” so to speak, to a convicted rapist and likely child molester? Because you, like him, desire to simply *take* what you want from women without permission?

If you have a daughter, do you hope that other men speak about her the way you speak about women? It’s very sad, Tom - the lack of respect you have for women is certainly clear to your wife, your mother, and all the other women in your life. They definitely don’t speak out against what you say, as it wouldn’t surprise me to discover that you’re “the physical type,” but it definitely weighs on their minds. And they’ll likely be thinking about it when they vote for the candidate that has their interests in mind, even though you’ll almost certainly be trying to intimidate them into voting the way *you* want them to. Fortunately, I believe that they’ll have the strength to stand up to a bully - I believe that we, as a country, will have the strength to stand up to a bully.

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Then you've been following the wrong sources for your information, Stan. Not only has Our President published dozens of policy proposals, his first term was one of the most accomplished in history, especially considering the fact that he faced historic headwinds. Here, feel free to enlighten yourself: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/agenda47

Don't talk to me about Heels Up Harris, Stan, talk to Willie Brown, the former mayor of San Francisco who openly talks about his affair with Harris when he was still married. You clearly know nothing about the laughable, Lawfare "convictions" of Our President which will be overturned by the first appeals court honoring its oath to defend and protect our Constitution. And what does "likely" mean, other than more attempts at election interference?

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Sweetheart, don't even deign to mansplain to actual women---me, for starters---why we should install an unaccomplished, openly Communist, literal w***e into an office she hasn't been able to execute in any capacity for 3 1/2. Show me a man who talks down like this, as you do, and I'll show you a verbal and physical spousal abuser. I think it certain that you are of the ilk who was feigning outrage, while being simultaneously titillated, by your slanders of Melania Trump---a woman not running for office---as a w***e. Now, you are agitating to install one, and one who has earned zero votes, zero delegates, and whom was the target of the Dem 's ire just weeks ago, because she was dragging even Low Joe down to the basement. Your insecurity as a...uh...*man*...is exposed very comically by your screed, in which you project your inability to interact meaningfully and maturely with women. for obvious reasons. Pipe down, hun. No woman would do anything but laugh at your comically pompous pontifications.

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Gee, how erudite. Did your 7th grade son write that? Hunny...you quite literally elder abused an actual, publicly known dementia victim into an office you knew he couldn't execute. Understandably, you would have no moral compunction against similarly abusing a borderline cretin with emotional outburst issues into the same office, to continue *finishing the job* of destroying these United States.

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Then refute it with facts and attributions, instead of through your painful hemorrhoids. You folk are so silly and only buttress the case FOR Trump, with such triggery infantilisms. We welcome your inadvertent contribution to supporting Trump!

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You can’t seem to find a way of polite disagreement. If you do you are invited to respond again. But till then, I have no interest in your remarks.

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Dear Lord. This may be the most delusional thing I've read.

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Is that so? Then please elaborate with something less infantile and more concrete than the lazy emojis you inserted, much as an impotent man must OD on Viagra. Most of us left 5th grade behind long ago, along with the embarrassing immaturity and fake bravado you have unfortunately clung to as your crutch when you can't articulate an honest, intelligent statement.

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Your fantasy life might be even richer than Trump’s.

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Paul, I hope you are right. My wife and I were discouraged because perception is so important. She came across surprisingly well, while Trump missed opportunities to show the millions of viewers who she really is. Democrats rely on public ignorance. I know many very intelligent people who parrot foolish and inaccurate arguments they hear.

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Don't be demoralized. That's the goal of the media narratives that are the stuff of Stalin and Goebbels. And they ARE narratives, in the fictional definition.

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I just wish that Trump would stop being Trump. Because the narrators were so biased, and Harris so devoid of policy, and Democrats relying

on public ignorance, that the debate might have positive consequences. Thanks for your comment, Tori.

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Some are not so quick to see that this is not the narrative that they’ve been fed all day, so you certainly couldn’t have picked up on any nuances the Legacy media has overfed them with. Thanks for your perception.

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This is some of the finest satire I’ve read lately. Kudos to you, Paul, you really have the trumpers eating right out of your hand - you should ask them for donations now! They’ll hand over their pension checks and bill money immediately, just like they do when “the billionaire” tells them to.

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How delightfully cute that you, like a baby whose tummy is being tickled, are so candid in exposing your easy triggerability, hun. Coochie coochie coo!

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Scary that this fiction is allowed to be passed off as truth. The worst aspect of the internet, this is how the GOP works to destroy democracy. Stop! Someone might believe it.

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Dems destroy Democracy the old fashioned way, but let’s not talk about the July switch- easy way or hard way. No votes Harris.

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Hun bun....if anyone is paying you to troll, they should demand a refund. You are no good at this. A 5th grader could do better. But thanks for the comic relief offered by the easily triggered functional illiterates like you who can not articulate one syllable of truth, so choked up on frustrated whining. Go play Candyland, hun, and try not to upset the board when you cheat and STILL lose.

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Who would be the “hun bun” you’re addressing in this little tirade? Use the name given if you’re interested in communicating.

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