The same principle – voter suppression – that animated the Three-Fifths Compromise in the 19th century now informs the invidious drive to include illegal aliens in the U.S. Census in the 21st.
Electronic voting machines and vote tabulating machines are forbidden!
Mailing ballots to addresses is forbidden, except for Absentee Ballots that are legally requested by a registered voter, and Absentee Ballots must be delivered by mail back to the voter’s polling location on or before Election Day!
Only US citizens can vote!
Only registered voters can vote!
Voters must present govt. photo ID to vote!
Only paper ballots!
Electronic voting machines and vote tabulating machines are forbidden!
Mailing ballots to addresses is forbidden, except for Absentee Ballots that are legally requested by a registered voter, and Absentee Ballots must be delivered by mail back to the voter’s polling location on or before Election Day!
Ballot Boxes are forbidden!
Only US citizens are counted in the Census!!!
Election fraud, large and small, should be eliminated.
Self proclaimed Godless, soulless, self-loathing Demonfrauds need repentance and redemption.
P.S No, illegal invasion is not a pathway to citizenship, or illegal voting…got it?