Frank Luntz (the pollster who has no love for Trump) put best on CNN a few weeks ago when he called them stupid-to their faces. He basically said that his findings were the law-fare was not working at all like the left thought it would, and were helping Trump in the polls at every turn.

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Nonetheless, President Trump should be free from court trials during campaign season to avoid the opposition from committing election interference.

I too have been disgusted with the lack of respect he receives from the Judiciary in every state. Didn’t he serve you for four years?

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Until these creeps begin getting sued themselves for their injustice against not only Trump, but all those in his circle, these ridiculous indictments and injustices will continue - why not, they have taxpayer funding to do do. Trump must file 'personal lawsuits' against individuals who are conspiring and conducting this lawfare. The U.S. justice system has been perverted by radical leftist activists who must be identified, tried, convicted and purged from anything having to do with the law.

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By attacking Trump they are attacking us, the American people.

Government was formed to protect the righteous and punish the wicked. Seems to me it’s become just the opposite.

If we don’t have the rule of law we don’t have anything except lawlessness and that’s exactly what we are seeing.

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The SCOTUS IMMUNITY HEARING may make a difference in this lawfare. Justice Thomas made the point clear that every President in history has had broad immunity, naming the crimes they committed while fulfilling official duties and not being subject to prosecution.

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