Impassioned and thorough— just how I prefer my new. Thank you.

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Thank you for this highly detailed review of this sham case. So much accurate information here, a lot of particular details many of us did not know. I’m sure you’re in constant contact with President Trump’s team, and I’m sure you probably have already, but this entire review needs to be shared with his legal team. All of these facts can be a blueprint for the legal appeal team, so well articulated.

Bless you for your dedicated work in gathering all of this information to share with the rest of us, it sure paints a much more detailed and accurate picture of what went on in this law-fare show trial. I’m sure President Trump and his legal team appreciate how detailed and articulate you are in laying all of this out, should definitely be helpful as they plan their appeal. Your work is appreciated by all of us. ☺️

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I agree should be shared with the Trump Team. Should also be shared with the populace on X. Much confusion there.

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Beautiful work, it was a pleasure to read.

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You should represent Trump.

Don’t forget the two donations Merchan made to Dems. It does not matter how much they were; he certainly should know—since he seems to be rather egotistic—that a judge cannot make such contributions.

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Since it was not televised, I did not hear the Prosecution’s closing statement. The burden of proof being on the State, did they actually prove their case to the jury, or just leave them to put all the pieces together to create something that sounded like a crime with all the elements proved? I seriously doubt it, given that they waited until right before deliberations to even state what the crime was, a violation of Due Process rights.

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Thanks, sending this around!

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