INGRASSIA & LOOMER: Requiem for a Campaign
Why Ron DeSantis’ (and Everyone Not Named Trump) Campaign Is Finito
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If there were any lingering doubts about President Trump being anything but the Republican nominee in 2024, these last few weeks should have dispelled all of them. All polling would suggest that not only is Donald Trump well on his way to wallop his primary competitors, but new polls show he is even trouncing Joe Biden in a head-to-head matchup.
The Murdoch-owned Wall Street Journal, which is as hostile to President Trump as any mainstream “right-of-center” publication, has Trump being the “top choice of 59% of GOP primary voters.” According to that same poll, Ron DeSantis, the Murdoch’s hand selected candidate, lags Trump by a nearly 50-point margin. Trump’s prolific lead even made the editors of the Journal lament: “Trump, for now, has no formidable challenger.” And given the inherent biases that animate the WSJ and other Murdoch-owned publications into frequent anti-Trump hysterics, it is almost certain that these numbers grossly understate President Trump’s inexorable margins.
Meanwhile, it has been reported that several establishment anti-Trump Republican donors have now pivoted to the neoconservative Nikki Haley as their preferred replacement for DeSantis to upend Trump. This last-ditch act of desperation by the establishment, reminiscent of the countless trickeries they tried to use to sabotage Trump in 2016 – from Ted Cruz’s pitiful charade at the Republican National Convention to the famous Access Hollywood Tape to the Obama administration’s unlawful surveillance of Trump Tower, to Mueller and Comey and the rest – is expression of a worn out playbook whose outcome is always the same: failure.
President Trump has proven correct that each indictment would only strengthen his poll numbers further, as evidenced by the tens of millions of dollars the President raised on the heels of his Fulton County mugshot, one of the darkest hours of American history, that will forever be remembered, like the tragedy of Pearl Harbor or the 9/11 terror attacks, as a day of infamy. Fortunately, millions of Americans, likely exceeding the 75 million who voted for Trump in 2020, have recognized this great indignity upon President Trump and our nation. Trump’s exploding poll numbers — and the countless other examples of unquantifiable support, from rallies to motorcade parades to the MAGA paraphernalia that has been selling like hotcakes — all suggest a movement that is growing stronger by the day.
The President is now so well positioned, a feat that is even more remarkable given how early we still are in the primary cycle. In every sense of the word, Trump’s momentum is unprecedented. Accordingly, President Trump’s lead raises the obvious question: what role does Ron DeSantis, and for that matter, any Republican primary challenger, think they are playing other than to obstruct the election process and help Joe Biden.
Here are the simple facts: there is absolutely no path to victory for Ron DeSantis, or anyone not named Donald Trump. At this point, valuable resources – in the tens of millions of donor dollars – are being drained from what should be going to the coffers of Donald Trump’s campaign, which is still up against an extremely well-funded, well-organized, and ruthless political establishment, that will use every measure conceivable to thwart Trump in his tracks, including extralegal and illegal mechanisms, as we have disturbingly observed with the weaponization of the justice department and rule of law.
Beyond that, however, if Ron DeSantis were a competent politician, he would read the room, endorse Donald Trump, return to his home state, and use every resource available to fortify his own territory against insurrectionary and subversive influences by the Biden regime. Last year’s raid on Mar-a-Lago should never have occurred in a supposedly rock-ribbed red state like Florida, particularly with a Governor like DeSantis, who claims to be so fiercely opposed to the administrative state and the usurpation of congressional power by faceless, unelected bureaucrats. Moreover, Ron DeSantis should be allocating what little precious time, energy, and resources we have remaining to fortify the election procedures in neighboring Georgia, which is just a half hour drive from the Governor’s Mansion in Tallahassee.
Even more egregious, Florida is quickly revealing itself to be the epicenter for international subterfuge and potential color revolutions. As Laura Loomer recently broke, the Nazi rallies that have been popping up throughout the state of Florida included participants who publicly pledged their support for Ukraine. These Nazis said they prefer Joe Biden over President Trump because “Biden sends money and rockets to Ukraine.” Loomer’s investigation exposed and revealed how federal agencies like FBI and CIA are not only recruiting American Nazis for the sake of instigating conflict and creating the false narrative that America has a Nazi epidemic, but they are also utilizing known, Domestic terrorists and Nazis for the sake of recruiting more Nazis to travel overseas to Ukraine to fight in the Ukraine-Russia war.
The fact that known Domestic terrorists with violent criminal records can operate freely in Florida in conjunction with the feds is a testament to how Ron DeSantis has welcomed the deep state swamp to enter Florida, and takeover, while he continues to be an absentee Governor (as these events unfolded, DeSantis was hundreds of miles away in New York City). The glaring reality is that DeSantis, who likes to call himself a “law and order candidate,” has enabled Capitol police to set up a station in Florida for the sake of hunting down non-violent Trump supporters who attended January 6, 2021, in our nation’s capital. At the same time, he has no problem with the feds running actual hardened violent criminals and designated members of terrorist organizations for the purpose of staging Nazi rallies on major Florida highways.
It also raises an obvious question, especially in light of DeSantis’ nonchalant (indeed, nonresponse) to the worrisome events occurring within his own backyard. Was this all by design, being actively enabled (if not outright encouraged) by the Governor and his acolytes? Farfetched as this accusation may seem, given what we know about the deep ties between Governor DeSantis’ campaign and foreign actors, particularly the well-documented case of Christina Pushaw being an registered foreign agent and friend of Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the idea that DeSantis — either directly or indirectly — is helping to foment a Ukrainian color revolution to sabotage Donald Trump’s campaign, does not at this point seem out of the cards. If all this had not a whiff of truth to it, one would expect that Ron DeSantis or his campaign would have at the bare minimum released a statement unequivocally denouncing the troubling revelation uncovered by Loomer.
But instead, like on so many other issues — i.e., Mar-a-Lago, the weaponization of the justice system against political opponents, January 6th defendants, etc., etc. — the silence is deafening from Tallahassee.
All of which is to say: Ron DeSantis has thoroughly revealed himself to be a pawn of the donor class and shill for the deep state. His campaign might have begun with a MAGA garnish, but it was always a trojan horse designed to sneak establishment policies through the backdoor. If polls could speak, DeSantis’ rock-bottom numbers, despite once commanding a war chest that rivaled Donald Trump’s, would be a funeral oration – a sobering portent for anyone else who once thought it wise to make themselves an enemy of the one man standing in the way of absolute tyranny.
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A slightly modified version of this piece was originally published in America First News, and can be found here.
Paul Ingrassia is a Law Clerk at The McBride Law Firm, PLLC. He graduated from Cornell Law School in 2022 and is on the Board of Advisors of the New York Young Republican Club. He is also a two-time Claremont Fellow. Follow him on Twitter @PaulIngrassia, Substack, Truth Social, and Rumble.
Laura Loomer is an award-winning conservative investigative journalist, free-speech activist, and former Republican US congressional candidate in Florida. She is the author of “LOOMERED: How I Became the Most Banned Woman in the World.” Follow her on Twitter @LauraLoomer.
Thanks, Paul and Laura!
Your efforts to expose the FL gov are much appreciated.
Rob might indeed not be quite the good-faith actor. To put it mildly.
DJT's "DeSanctimonious" was perfect: on substance, in tone and in timing.
Let me add this:
Imho the whole specter of Uniparty RINOs participating in the primary circus are practically sabotaging MAGA, because they want "their" party back, at all costs.
The meanest one among them might actually be the former VP. In all his pretentious pseudo-sincerity, he has recently been smearing MAGA in really insidious ways.
Rob has done it to Trump the person and insulted the grassroots, too, but maybe not quite as openly and explicitly. (Looks to me like they have been coordinating their different approaches, btw.)
Anyway, I've written about it the other day on my Substack, and if you allow for it, I'd like to invite you over there and have a look.
It's important to understand imho that it's not just one over-ambitious FL governor (enticed by bad consultants, or whatever led him). It is the whole cabal that needs to be exposed and expunged. Including the RNC, obviously.
Great article, but one which also "raises" another "obvious question," including "How, exactly, do those who swear an oath to support the Constitution (or, it the President's case, to "preserve, protect and defend" it), steer government away from our original path supportive of individual liberty through only the necessary and proper implementation of the enumerated powers?"
In other words, how did federal servants ever become our political masters and just how does the Biden "regime" use "insurrectionary and subversive influences" on the States that remain sovereign in all their reserved powers?
Do we face all-powerful wizards and magical genies?
Of course not--we only face incredible deception, masterfully implemented.
Thankfully, no person swearing an oath to support the Constitution has ever *changed* the Constitution or the allowed powers they may everywhere in the Union directly exercise. Only the States may do that, by ratifying formal amendments.
Thus, we merely face an illusion, no different than that faced by Dorothy, the Tin Man, Scare Crow, and Cowardly Lion.
We merely face an allowed power--an "exclusive" legislative power, in fact, that may be exercised "in all Cases whatsoever"--that has been deviously stretched and exercised beyond allowable boundaries.
Be like Toto, and sniff out the source of the stench, pull back the curtain, and then bark like crazy at the only thing that matters--the man behind the curtain who is but an accomplished fraud.
The scoundrels only take the "Big Powers" allowed them for the "Little Implementation Areas (D.C., et al) and extend them beyond D.C. boundaries, using the color of law offered them by even Art. I:8:17 being *part* of "This Constitution" that Art. VI, Cl. 2 declares to be "the supreme Law of the Land" that "binds" the States through their judges.
In other words, if we don't end their charade, then we lose. We must call out the Wizard as a fraud, and say that he cannot bind the States on their reserved powers by using D.C.-powers beyond D.C.
No laws of any State bind any other.
Well, neither do the exclusive legislation laws of Congress for D.C. "bind" the States, either, and we cannot continue to let that happen.
It is time to stand and be counted. Learn to SNIFF (Seek New Information First & Foremost) and BARK (Build Awareness of Republican Knowledge) like crazy, to draw attention to the only thing that matters, the man behind the curtain.