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Exceptional Times Call For Exceptional Measures
Politics often deals with the art of the possible. During times of national crisis, however, new possibilities once unthinkable emerge to the forefront. We are currently living through such a time, where an illegitimately installed President is persecuting his chief political opponent using the appendages of a judicial system that has by and large abdicated its constitutional mandate, forsaking the Constitution and rule of law for a bald-faced power grab. This is the very definition of a national crisis; the state of exception.
Donald Trump, more than any politician in generations, expanded the ceiling of what is possible. If anything unites his detractors, it is their inability to sufficiently comprehend this new political horizon that President Trump, and he alone, introduced to Washington, whose politics had become sterile and anemic over many decades of slow decay. By stark contrast, Donald Trump injected new lifeblood into the veins of the body politic; a vitalism that had been dormant for generations, the heated reaction against it by Washington’s ruling class – so visceral and primordial in expression, the sign of a dying order instinctually self-aware of its impotency, is testimony to its obsolescence, and even greater testimony of the need for something dramatically different.
In short, this is a do-or-die moment for the American republic; its Constitution may be said to now exist solely in the words and deeds of a single man, Donald Trump, who becomes the source of legitimacy in a regime whose written laws have become corrupted beyond repair. This is not an ideal situation for any republic, let alone one whose founding charter was “a nation of laws, not men,” but must be recognized as its saving grace, and the vehicle granted to us by God and history this moment in time that offers perhaps our single hope to renew that founding charter, paving the path by which we might be relieved from the blight of our present dilemma and happily return from exception to normalcy.
Why President Trump Is Uniquely Situated To Be The Next House Speaker
Since President Trump was unceremoniously ousted from his office in January 2021, the idea that he might become Speaker of the House of Representatives and seek retributive justice against the Biden regime always remained a point of discussion, if an improbable one Congressman Matt Gaetz made the heroic decision this past week to finally exercise the motion to vacate the Speaker’s chair, which was included in January’s deal between Kevin McCarthy and the twenty Republican holdouts. Kevin McCarthy reneged on his promise several times since January’s contentious vote, prompting Congressman Gaetz to finally nuke the Speaker’s Chair and hit reset on the leadership proceedings. This has in turn set up the best opportunity for a Speaker Donald Trump to become reality since January of 2021.
For his part, President Trump has expressed a willingness to take on that solemn responsibility, if only for an interim period to help quell the tensions between House Republicans and pave the course for a worthy successor, someone who would, in the words of President Trump himself: “help a new, but highly experienced President … Make America Great Again!”
So far, at least four congresspeople – Troy Nehls, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Greg Steube, and Jim Jordan, whose name also has been floated as a stronger contender to replace McCarthy – have been reported to back President Trump’s Speakership bid, a list that is bound to grow. Greene even tweeted out: “The only candidate for Speaker I am currently supporting is President Donald J. Trump.” By some reports, President Trump has even entertained visiting House Republicans as they commence proceedings to select their next Speaker.
Whoever the ultimate Speaker of the House is – whether Trump or someone allied with the 45th President – the priorities are crystal clear: First, that person must, unlike Kevin McCarthy, who did not even endorse President Trump despite Trump being up by 50 points in most primary polls, unequivocally back the 45th President’s White House bid. By “unequivocally backing the 45th President,” this does not begin and end with an endorsement. This includes completely defunding Jack Smith’s two groundless investigations against the 45th President. This further includes rallying the broader Republican Party – including the national association of Republican Governors, state delegates, Republican officials in both federal and state office, and, most of all, the Republican National Committee – to rally wholeheartedly behind the 45th President, committing whatever resources are necessary in pursuit of that goal. Last, this also includes subpoenaing Jack Smith, along with rogue District Attorneys (and perhaps rogue judges) such as Fani Willis and Alvin Bragg, who have weaponized the justice system purely for political vengeance. All these things are intolerable in a constitutional republic, and their accomplices and enablers must be held accountable, bar none.
In addition to the above, as Congresswoman Anna Paulina Luna boldly said that the next Speaker must commit to filing articles of impeachment against Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. These impeachment proceedings are for, among other things, their money laundering schemes in the Ukraine, their weaponization of the justice department against the American people, and their unlawful entangling of the electoral process, once the pride of the free world, which have irrevocably undermined the integrity of America’s democratic institutions, to say nothing of the litany of other high crimes and misdemeanors they committed against the Constitution and their sacred oaths.
The reasons stated above are why President Trump, more than anyone else, deserves the Speaker’s gavel. He has a personal stake in the weaponization of the justice system, where he has been scapegoated and made into its number one target, unlike anyone else. He should be in the Speaker’s chair to deal directly with the Biden regime and preside over the Impeachment hearings – which former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her Democratic allies unconstitutionally weaponized, twice, against President Trump while he was in office. President Trump is uniquely qualified to oversee the creation of special counsels and committees to investigate not only Joe Biden and his family, including Hunter Biden, but furthermore, the Clinton Crime Family, Barack Obama, and the legions of deep state acolytes whose tentacles have infiltrated virtually the entire justice system – and who continue to wage relentless lawfare against President Trump and his supporters, fearful of what might come of his being re-elected a third time.
In the event President Trump becomes Speaker and the more improbable event that Biden and Harris are impeached – and removed – from their offices, pursuant to Article II, Section 4, of the United States Constitution, President Trump would – under the longstanding Presidential Succession Act – as Speaker, be positioned third in line for the Presidency. Under the 22nd Amendment, which theoretically allows a President to serve for as many as ten years in office, he would still be allowed to serve out the remainder of Joe Biden’s illegitimate term, should the impossible happen, because there are fewer than 2 years remaining on Biden’s term, and hence still be eligible for re-election come 2024.
Now, there are of course several major logistical obstacles in the way of making President Trump Speaker of the House. Some commentators have pointed to a rather strange (and very recent) rule change, colloquially referred to in the press as “Rule 26,” which was recently passed just this year, that would prevent anyone from serving as House Speaker who was “indicted for a felony for which a sentence of two or more years’ imprisonment may be imposed.” The Rule is absurd on its face; one, because, as articulated above, the weaponization of the justice system by the deep state has defanged these indictments of any criminal effect. These indictments are prima facie unconstitutional; accordingly, it should not be difficult to assemble a majority of Republicans to abolish this new Rule, which was only passed in the first place to prevent the prospect of President Trump becoming Speaker, which of course, has now become a very real possibility.
Indeed, when Rule 26 was adopted late last year, it was done with the knowledge that the indictments against President Trump would be coming down the line. In other words, Rule 26 was premeditated – orchestrated by the same establishment forces in the Republican Party hellbent on extraditing President Trump from national politics for good. But the charade has been exposed for what it is: and therefore, the Rule should be done away with, even though House Rules changes typically do not occur mid-session. But Speaker changes also do not normally occur mid-session, either. Unprecedented times call for unprecedented measures.
The other significant logistical argument against President Trump’s Speakership bid is that he would not be able to garner a sufficient number of House Republicans to vote for his Speaker bid. For example, Thomas Massie issued a tweet earlier today (likely a sentiment shared behind closed doors by many of his Republican colleagues), which stated that President Trump was “disqualified” from the Speakership for being “vehemently opposed to even having a recorded vote in the House on the $2+ trillion CARES Act.” As well as for having “supported Pelosi’s attempt to pass it by ‘unanimous consent,’ without a quorum present.”
Of course, Massie’s argument – to the extent it is an argument at all – is ridiculous. It is merely a pretext to cover his thinly veiled disgust for President Trump and the MAGA movement, to which he has long been an adversary. But now, with the prospect of a Trump Speakership more likely than ever, the Republicans who claim to support President Trump to the public but work vigorously behind the scenes to sabotage his movement, are forced to reveal their true colors and allegiances. So, even if a Trump Speakership vote fails, it should at least be put to the floor. Every single Republican House Member should be given the chance to vote on it. If they vote against President Trump, but claim to support his presidential campaign and agenda, they will be forced to explain their justification (which no logical justification exists) to their constituents, the overwhelming majority of whom are loyal to Donald Trump only, and otherwise would prefer the Republican Party be relegated to history’s dustbin than continue to exist without President Trump in the picture.
All of which is to say: no matter the outcome, President Trump should throw his hat into the ring for House Speaker, and every Republican member of the House should be forced to vote on that scenario. The ideal situation would result in President Trump serving as interim Speaker of the House of Representatives to preside over the impeachment of Joe Biden, offering a rare glimpse of true justice in the process, and rallying the national Republican Party in his favor – to make his 2024 victory even more certain.
But if President Trump should regrettably not become Speaker Trump, at the very least whoever is given the Speaker’s gavel – whether Jim Jordan, or someone else – must, consistent with the President’s wishes, be a stalwart ally of the 45th President. He or she must, as Congresswoman Luna implored, commit to filing articles of Impeachment against Joe Biden, either way. He or she must put a permanent end to the Continuing Resolution, which promoted the motion to vacate in the first place and put a full stop to the federal government’s reckless spending on the Ukrainian conflict (and every wasteful overseas entanglement), to the detriment of our own borders, national security, and way of life. Along the way, the next Speaker of the House must completely defund Jack Smith’s investigations and hold those who seek to weaponize our justice system accountable, to the fullest extent the true law allows, and clear the road for President Trump’s re-election in 2024, which has already been unduly hindered by a radical Left – and deep state – committed to destroying America once and for all.
Those are the extraordinarily high stakes on which this unprecedented opportunity to elect a new Speaker arises. It is reason why President Trump, the embodiment of what remains of legitimate constitutional government, who is the only man standing in the way of out-and-out tyranny from completely enveloping our government, is uniquely tasked – more than anyone else – for the Speakership.
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A slightly modified version of this piece was originally published in America First News, and can be found here.
Paul Ingrassia is a Law Clerk at The McBride Law Firm, PLLC. He graduated from Cornell Law School in 2022 and is on the Board of Advisors of the New York Young Republican Club. He is also a two-time Claremont Fellow. Follow him on Twitter @PaulIngrassia, Substack, Truth Social, and Rumble.